After leaving Moira I spent a few days couchsurfing in Carriacou and Grenada.
In Grenada (where they have a chocolate factory!) I went for a hike that my host Sarah recommended me and ended up nearly falling of the ridge of the mountain, but it was all good in the end.
I had taken the bus up to Lake Gran Etang in the hills of Grenada, arrived there after a rainy day and made my way to the visitor’s centre to sign in and ask about the way up to Mount Qua Qua. They pointed me toward the beginning of the trail and off I went. The trail was quite well maintained in the beginning, although muddy. It soon started to get very steep and I wished I had some kind of walking stick. The path led up trough the rainforest and on top of the ridge of the mountain, where I followed it until I reached the peak.
(Photos: view of Lake Gran Etang, the trail, views over St.George)
Soon before reaching the peak the trail was kind of running on a slope and while trying to avoid a massive puddle of mud I stepped off the trail and had to find out I was stepping on some sort of heather that was very unstable and I was sliding down through the mud but managed to catch myself quick enough to not go too far. I was kind of regretting not having turned around earlier but it was too late anyways. I then made it to the top of the mountain where a lot of clouds obscured the view and had my lunchbreak. It then started to rain so I started to quickly make my way back down, which was a bit tricky given the mud-situation. But this time I did not slide around too badly and was back down in about 1.5 hours.
Warming up over a big mug of hot chocolate, made from local cacao of course, I contemplated what to do with the rest of my only day here on Grenada and decided to be lazy and just walk around town for a bit.
(Photos: St.George and the chocolate hose)
I took the bus back, found an ice-cream store and had nutmeg icecream! Then I walked around some more, had cake and went to the chocolate factory shop to get some chocolate.
That evening, 4 more couchsurfers who had also crewed on a sailboat came to stay at Sarah’s house and we had a nice time exchanging sea-stories and chatting about our trip.
All in all I really enjoyed Grenada, but am also kind of islanded-out by now and am looking forward to moving on to the continent soon!