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We've moved!

The blog got an upgrade and I will be moving all the posts over to shortly and also add more/new articles on there...

Kolumbien - Eine Woche Am Fels

Meine erste Woche in Kolumbien verbinge ich in der Kletterstadt Suesca und lerne dort auch Spanisch! Was fuer ein Start.

Colombia - A Week In The Mountains

After Guyana I arrived in Colombia, where I started my stay with a Spanish and Climbing course in a small town north of Bogota.

Guyana - Ein Land Voller Wasser

Weg vom Inselleben! Mein erstes Land in Südamerika war Guyana, wo ich 10 Tage verbrachte und vor allem die Haupstadt Georgetown erkundete.

Guyana - Water Everywhere

From the Carribean islands onto the Southamerican continent! Guyana was a bit of a hybrid and a challenging start to my land-bound trip

Grenada - Schokolade und Schlamm

Eine bergige Insel mit schlammigen Wanderwegen liefert ziemlich viel Unterhaltung. Immerhin gibt's am Ende Schokolade.

Grenada - Chocolate and Mud

A lush green island with steep hills you can easily slide down if you don't watch out. Grenada was quite an experience.

Die Grenadines - Gut Besuchtes Paradies

Unsere letzte Nachtfahrt auf Moira bringt uns zu den Grenadines, unser letzter Stop bevor wir das Boot verlassen.

The Grenadines - Busy in Paradise

Our last stop before leaving Moira are the Grenadines, a small group of islands north of Grenada. We arrive at a busy anchorage on the 1.1.

Tobago - Sonnige Weihnachten

Wir gewoehnen uns langsam ans Inselleben hier in Tobago! Wir schnorcheln und schwimmen jeden Tag und erkunden sogar den Regenwald.

Tobago - Christmas Under The Sun

Steep cliffs covered in dense rainforest and beautiful bays awaited us in Tobago. We went diving and birding and celebrated a cozy Christmas

Weihnachtsinsel Barbados

Ein erster Eindruck aus der Karibik! Von Schnorcheln bis Wandern hat uns Barbados echt viel geboten und wir haben es hier sehr genossen.

Barbados the Christmas Island

Back on land! We are hanging out on white beaches and by the blue water for a few days and end our stay on Barbados with a beautiful hike.

Atlantiküberquerung - Welle, Wind und Wetter

Nach weniger als 12 Tagen haben wir es geschafft und sind in Bridgetown, Barbados, angekommen. Hier einige Impressionen von der Ueberfahrt.

Brava to Barbados Across the Big Pond

After a picture-perfect Atlantic crossing we arrived in Barbados on the evening of the 17th of December after less than 12 days at sea!

Fogo and Brava

Our last 2 islands in Cape Verde before the Atlantic crossing we have some adventurous anchorages and interesting roadtrips.

Mindelo, St.Lucia und Santo Antao

Dieses Mal erzaehle ich von Jazz in Mindelo, verlassenen Straenden auf St.Lucia und Vulkanoasen in Santo Antao!

Discovering Mindelo, St.Lucia and Santo Antao

More exploring! Mindelo is the biggest town we have seen in a while and then visit the deserted island of St.Lucia and hike in Santo Antao.

A Week in Cape Verde - 24.11.19

We have explored 4 islands in Cape Verde so far and again have experienced a lot! From Kitesurfing to roadtripping, we did it all!

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About Me

I am currently on a backpacking trip from Europe to and through South America. Since I lovea good challenge and flying is boring I decided to crew on sailboats across the Atlantic instead of just flying to Columbia. This is a blog to keep friends & family up to date and I also use it as a personal translation project and to keep my grey cells buzzing while I am away. I hope you enjoy!

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